End of Lockdown Series: The Overview


How to navigate the end of lockdown and a post-pandemic world?

End Of Lockdown Series By Michelle Thole

I’ve put together a series of blog posts that you can come back to and reference whenever you are feeling the different emotions and experiences as you navigate the end of lockdown and enter a post-pandemic world. I have focussed on four different areas in your life and business. Here is an overview of the four areas and a synopsis of each blog post…

Part 1: For the bosses, managers, and team leaders

Part 2: For the super excited and ready to party

Part 3: For the super nervous and anxious about change

Part 4: For the blah and languishing

  1. For The Bosses, Managers, And Team Leaders

The series started with tips for the bosses, managers, and team leaders who need guidance when leading their teams back to the office from months and months of working from home.

Not everyone will be happy to be back

Understand and accept that not everyone will be happy to be back.

Instead of trying to lift peoples’ spirits, it would be more pertinent to check in individually with your team members and take a human approach.

Lay off the demands

I know you’re screaming at me “but we’ve got to hit our targets” and I hear you, however, nothing says bad manager, boss, or team leader than one who puts the bottom line ahead of their own teams’ wellbeing.

Ease off the demands for the first week, let the team know that this week is about acclimating and settling in. Then, ramp up the expectations from week 2 onwards. Always lead with inspiration and never fear.

Managing the collective energy

There is nothing worse than a manager ‘setting the tone’ with over-enthusiastic smiles and high fives for a happy working environment when the team is just not feeling it.

And so, it’s vitally important to allow your team the space to find their own groove as they come back into the office.

Always meet your team where they are at and build them up from that point - more so after a global pandemic. Slowly but surely does it.

Read the full blog post here.

2. For The Super Excited And Ready To Party

Part two of the series was dedicated to all my lovely extroverts out there who have been ready to put on their finest clothes and get on the town.

However, even the raring of go-getters are going to find little problems emerging as they plan and prepare for life outside of the house.

  1. Get Excited

Make a list and start planning for a social life. Don’t go hell for leather but also embrace the feeling of spreading your wings and being able to fly again.

Start filling up your diary with events to look forward to. Yes, there might still be lockdown restrictions in place but factor those in when you are planning and you’re good to go.

2. Managing your expectations

The people who have been your ride-or-die in the past may not be feeling so great after the pandemic. So, it’s best to manage your expectations if they do decide to say no.

Have a plan b,c,d, and e up your sleeve, and be prepared for cancellations. Yep, even on the day of the event as some people may still feel overwhelmed by it all.

3. Working from home - No thanks!

Work won’t be the same - I’m sorry to burst your bubble on this. There will be colleagues who aren’t feeling the same as you about going back to the office. And they may bring down your mood a fair bit.

Your feelings of happiness are as equally important as those who are overwhelmed. Don’t take it heart and keep on shining your light bright.

Although, be mindful of spreading ‘toxic positivity’ such as “You should be happy by now - we’re allowed to the pub”.

Read the full blog post here.

3. End Of Lockdown Series: For The Nervous And Anxious About Change

The nervous and anxious about change was the focus of part three in the series.

I shared three tips to help say no, find the balance you crave and having to finally talk to people face-to-face 😒


It’s important that you go at your own pace as life starts opening up again. It might be more overwhelming than you anticipated. So, take small steps, commit to one thing at a time, and take it slow.


It’s okay to say no and to be firm with your boundaries around your time and social life.

When the invites start rolling in practise a few one-liners such as, “I won’t be able to join you but I really do hope you have a great time”.

Practise makes perfect and you can politely decline whilst feeling empowered and happy with your decision.


We have all lived through a global pandemic and it has affected us in ways we haven’t fully grasped yet. Therefore, it’s important to get help when it’s needed.

Therapy and counselling are great avenues to choose when you are feeling anxious and nervous to understand and unpick feelings and experiences that come up - and are just as life-changing as coaching.

Read the full blog post here

4. For The Blah And Languishing

The final part of the series was dedicated to the blah and languishing. I shared tangible coaching strategies with you so you can get your zest for life back at your own pace.


Don’t shy away from your feelings as they are wonderful signals to how you are experiencing and coping with life.

Ground yourself, make space, and journal your experience - get it all out - your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Allow your inner world to be heard - even if you just shred the paper/delete your note straight afterward. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Time to feel accomplished but not in an “I’ve just signed up for a marathon” kinda way. Find small wins in your day-to-day life that will make you feel accomplished and proud.

These could include decluttering a drawer, completing a crossword, learning 5-minutes of a language or instrument, completing a repair in your home. It’s from these small wins that you can build to bigger goals and tasks - when you are ready and willing.


It’s okay to admit that you are languishing and blah at the moment. Find some trusted confidantes that will hold space for you and allow your experience to be validated and heard.

There will be a sea of emotions and experiences out there and each just as valid as the other. Allow yourself to be who you are and honour this time in your life. And although it may not feel like it, it will get better and you will find your way again.

Read the full blog here

Comment below and tell me how you are feeling after lockdown?

  • Have you been leading a team?

  • Are you super excited about eating inside a restaurant again?

  • Have you been feeling nervous about everything starting up again?

  • Do you feel lethargic, blah, and not knowing whether you’re coming or going?

However you may be feeling right now, you really are doing amazingly well and you’ve got this, one day at a time.


Michelle Thole

Want to change your life? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here you will understand why you do what you do, what holds you back, AND how to change it…play big, kick fear in the face, and succeed on your own terms. Michelle’s unique style of coaching will inspire you to live with authenticity, courage, and a brave open heart. You’re stronger than fear so allow yourself to grow and let’s do this together!